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Applications for the Growth Learning Pathway is opening soon! Don’t wait to apply; spots are limited! To learn more, click here

Financial Learning Pathway

The information and media below are for Financial Learning Pathway participants only. The content is available to everyone through our on-demand service; please do not share the link.

Welcome to the Financial Learning Pathway (Spring 2024)!  Please watch this introduction video to learn more about the course format, content and expectations.  In this video, you will also learn about the 1:1 advisement you are entitled to as part of your registration.

Note that this course cannot be repeated, so please ensure this is the right time for you to take this course.  You will need to dedicate 1.5-3 hours each week to attending bi-weekly working groups and preparing for these working groups. 


Session 1: Pre-Requisite for Working Group 1

Please watch Session 1 (six modules):  Annual Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement; Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) P&L, and complete the enclosed homework assignment.  This will prepare you for the upcoming live, online Working Group session happening May 2.  Allow yourself 1.5-3 hours to prepare for the upcoming Working Group session.

We all know that the Annual Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement is helpful in reporting taxable income for the government. But does it give us enough information to manage a business effectively?

Adjusting financial reporting processes can optimize a business. In this session, we explore:

    • Adding detail to a profit and loss statement for better business management overall

    • Increasing frequency of financial reporting for access to relevant, up-to-date information throughout the year

Session 2: Pre-Requisite for Working Group 2

Please watch Session 2 (four modules):  Chart of Accounts (COA), Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and Gross Margin (GM), and complete the enclosed homework assignment.  This will prepare you for the upcoming live, online Working Group session happening May 16.  Allow yourself 1.5-3 hours to prepare for the upcoming Working Group session.

A detailed Chart of Accounts (COA) allows tracking where money comes in and goes out within a given reporting period. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and Gross Margin (GM) are crucial in financial reporting.

In this session, we explore:

    • What is COGS, and why is it important to include it in a P & L statement?

    • Why is Gross Margin one of the most important numbers on a P & L statement?

    • How and why do we lay out revenue centres to correlate with COGS?

    • How do we lay out Point of Sale (POS) for the Chart of Accounts (COA)?

Session 3: Pre-Requisite for Working Group 3

Please watch the Session 3 (three modules + synopsis): Sales Channel Analysis; Gross Margin by Revenue Channel; Gross Margin Calculations, and complete the enclosed homework assignment.  This will prepare you for the upcoming live, online Working Group session happening May 30.  Allow yourself 1.5-3 hours to prepare for the upcoming Working Group session.

When we look at a Profit and Loss Statement, we often focus on the revenue listed at the top and the profit listed at the bottom. But what about the data in between? To make data-driven decisions for a business, we need to pay close attention to Gross Margin and Gross Margin per revenue channel.

In this session, we explore:

    • Why calculating Gross Margin per revenue channel matters

    • Sales channel analysis (calculating Gross Margin by revenue channel)

    • Decisions that can (and should) be made with this data

Session 4: Pre-Requisite for Working Group 4

Please watch Session 4 (two modules): Pro Forma vs TTM and Break-Even Analysis, and complete the enclosed homework assignment.  This will prepare you for the upcoming live, online Working Group session happening June 13.  Allow yourself 1.5-3 hours to prepare for the upcoming Working Group session.

The TTM is an invaluable accounting tool that allows us to look back and spot trends over time. However, to scale a business up or down through any market condition and survive, we must look forward and plan accordingly. A Pro Forma, also generated monthly, allows us to forecast how the business is likely to perform in the future by projecting the potential financial impact of hypothetical strategies. A Pro Forma empowers us to justify the decisions we make in our business.

In this session, we explore:

    • Using a Pro Forma to numerically test potential strategies in the service industry vs the manufacturing industry

    • How to calculate break-even

    • The role of break-even analysis in decision-making

Session 5: Pre-Requisite for Working Group 5

Please watch Session 5 (three modules): Gross Margin and Profit Margin Consistency; Three Ways to Affect Profitability; Using the Break-Even Formula, and complete the enclosed homework assignment.  This will prepare you for the upcoming live, online Working Group session happening June 27.  Allow yourself 1.5-3 hours to prepare for the upcoming Working Group session.

To create a reliable Pro Forma, the TTM needs to be solid first so we can see trends over time. To do this, we must understand that the profit margin results from the intersection between factors we can control: revenue, gross margin, and expenses.

In this session, we explore:


    • How and why to keep the Gross Margin and monthly expenses consistent

    • How the break-even analysis formula can help a business reach profitability

    • Three ways to affect profitability

    • Monthly financial routines